B2B Accounts Receivable: Top Data-Backed Best Practices for Boosting Cash Flow
Struggling to get paid on time? You're not alone. Guest blogger Laura Schomaker from Intelligent Technologies, Inc, provides...
Maybe you’re a first-time small business owner. Maybe you’re a controller for a larger enterprise company. Either way, it’s likely that at some point, you’ve had a question or two about a part of the often complex and usually confusing credit card process. We get it — and we’ve been answering those questions for more than two decades.
The truth is, the credit card transaction process varies according to where the transaction takes place, what type of card is used, and more. But across all the many possible variations, the overall transaction process generally involves a consistent set of entities, steps, and fees that may be charged.
Our latest white paper, “B2B Insights: Understanding the Credit Card Process,” provides a simplified overview that covers:
Most importantly, it also covers how B2B companies can save money on the fees paid to accept credit cards.
Download “B2B Insights: Understanding the Credit Card Process” now to learn more about the process or get a refresher of what you already know and see if there are areas of improvement for your business to save on costs.
Ready to talk? Connect with our B2B payment experts >
Struggling to get paid on time? You're not alone. Guest blogger Laura Schomaker from Intelligent Technologies, Inc, provides...
B2B Insights: AR Automation
Accounts receivable (AR) automation is a top embedded finance requirement that B2B companies can’t live without....
For 20 years, PayTrace has been delivering on the goals we were founded on: to provide cost savings,...