B2B Accounts Receivable: Top Data-Backed Best Practices for Boosting Cash Flow
Struggling to get paid on time? You're not alone. Guest blogger Laura Schomaker from Intelligent Technologies, Inc, provides...
Selling interchange just became even easier. In a recent white paper written by MasterCard and The Strawhecker Group, focusing on B2B transactions and Level III processing. You’ll find three stories of real merchants who saved millions of dollars using PayTrace. Whether your merchants are in the medical field, or specialize in building construction, our gateway helps reduce interchange fees on qualifying B2B transactions.
Check out the white paper and then connect with us to see how your merchants could benefit from Level III savings using our payment gateway.
Struggling to get paid on time? You're not alone. Guest blogger Laura Schomaker from Intelligent Technologies, Inc, provides...
B2B Insights: AR Automation
Accounts receivable (AR) automation is a top embedded finance requirement that B2B companies can’t live without....
For 20 years, PayTrace has been delivering on the goals we were founded on: to provide cost savings,...